The University’s Senate is the governing authority of the University established under the University of Queensland Act 1998. The Act permits Senate to delegate its powers under the Act to an appropriately qualified Committee that includes one or more members of Senate.

Senate has established the following committees to support and advise Senate in exercising its oversight:

Senate Advancement and Community Engagement Committee

The Senate Advancement and Community Engagement Committee was established to help advise, endorse and advance UQ’s philanthropic and community engagement programs led by the University Executive to foster mutually beneficial lifelong relationships between UQ and its community, raise the profile of UQ globally, and support related initiatives within the University’s Strategic plan. This committee also plays a critical role in the assurances related to donor stewardship, gift governance and any repurposing of philanthropic funds.

Campus Infrastructure Committee

The Campus Infrastructure Committee advises Senate on Senate's approval of the University’s capital expenditure programme, advises Senate on property and physical infrastructure strategies for each campus, and provides oversight, on behalf of Senate, of the implementation of those strategies and the stewardship of the University’s major property and physical infrastructure assets. In fulfilling its remit, the Committee will have particular regard to protecting and preserving the physical qualities that are the hallmarks of UQ, and promoting environmentally sustainable campuses.

Senate Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Senate Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion monitors equity, diversity and inclusion matters, including progress on relevant plans, strategies and reports, to inform the strategic direction of the University with respect to diversity and inclusion. The Committee encompasses student and staff diversity and inclusion related matters.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee monitors financial performance, investments, capital spend and significant projects to the current and future strategic direction of the University toensure the ability to be agile into the future.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee considers and advises on:

  • matters relating to the overall governance of the University and Senate, and to promote adherence to good governance principles and practice 
  • matters relating to the University of Queensland Act 1998, including any proposed amendments to the University of Queensland Act 1998
  • the making of or amendment to policies reserved for Senate under the UQ Governance and Management Framework, or any policy brought to the Committee, and
  • the operating procedures of Senate, including its committee structures, standing orders, and annual cycle of business.

Senate Honorary Awards Committee

The Senate Honorary Awards Committee considers and advises Senate on nominations for honorary awards. In doing so the Committee will periodically call for nominations in accordance with the Honorary Awards Policy and Procedures. The Committee will consider nominations and, by way of a majority of votes, recommend such awards to Senate for approval. The Committee will periodically review the Honorary Awards Policy and make recommendations to Senate for its amendment.

Senior Executive Remuneration and Performance Committee

The Senior Executive Remuneration and Performance Committee undertakes the following:

  • develops the Senior Executive Remuneration Policy
  • oversees senior executive staff remuneration
  • reviews and determines the remuneration package and annual performance bonus of the Vice-Chancellor
  • advises Senate when the Vice-Chancellor’s annual performance review has been completed by the Chancellor, and
  • approves the remuneration changes and performance bonus payments for the Vice-Chancellor’s direct reports.

Risk and Audit Committee

The Risk and Audit Committee assists the Senate in discharging its risk management and internal compliance and control oversight responsibilities under the University of Queensland Act 1998 and as prescribed in the Financial Accountability Act 2009, the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009, and the Financial Accountability Regulation 2009 and other relevant legislation and requirements. The role of the Committee is to exercise oversight of the University’s governance, risk and compliance frameworks including; policies, procedures, information systems and systems of internal control surrounding key financial and operational processes. The Committee also provides oversight of the leadership and direction in terms of organisational culture and ethical behaviour.


Academic Board 

The Academic Board advises Senate and the Vice-Chancellor and President on academic matters. The Board reports regularly to Senate on matters of academic quality and standards.